Δευτέρα 8 Μαΐου 2017

To τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 48:2 (2017)

  • Charlotte Hempel, "Wisdom and Law in the Hebrew Bible and at Qumran," 155-181 (abstract)
  • Tyler A. Stewart, "Jewish Paideia: Greek Education in the Letter of Aristeas and 2 Maccabees," 182-202 (abstract)
  • Atar Livneh, "Deborah’s New Song: The Historical Résumé in LAB 32:1-11 in Context," 203-245 (abstract)
  • Benedikt Eckhardt, "Craft Guilds as Synagogues? Further Thoughts on 'Private Judean-Deity Associations'," 246-260 (abstract)
  • Pieter W. van der Horst, "A Short Note on the Epitaph of Ama Helenê Ioudaia," 261-265 (abstract)
  • Géza G. Xeravits, "Goddesses in the Synagogue?," 266-276 (abstract)
  • Christopher J. Cornthwaite, "Wayward Jews, God-fearing Gentiles, or Curious Pagans? Jewish Normativity and the Sambathions," 277-297 (abstract)

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