Τετάρτη 10 Μαΐου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / In the current issue of JTI

Journal of Theological Interpretation 11:1 (2017)
A Dialogue: Richard Hays’s Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels
Edited by C. Kavin Rowe

  • C. Kavin Rowe, "Learning from Echoes II: Richard B. Hays on Scripture in the Gospels," 1-4
  • R. W. L. Moberly, "Scriptural Echoes and Gospel Interpretation: Some Questions," 5-20
  • Richard Bauckham, "Markan Christology according to Richard Hays: Some Addenda," 21-36
  • Marianne Meye Thompson, "Hearing Voices: Reading the Gospels in the Echo Chamber of Scripture," 37-49
  • N. T. Wright, "Pictures, Stories, and the Cross: Where Do the Echoes Lead?," 49-68
  • David F. Ford, "Reading Backwards, Reading Forwards, and Abiding: Reading John in the Spirit Now," 69-84
  • Richard B. Hays, "Continuing to Read Scripture with the Evangelists: A Response," 85-100

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