Πέμπτη 11 Μαΐου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JThS / In the current issue of JThS

Journal of Theological Studies 68:1 (2017)

  • Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Death or Conversion: The Gentiles in the Concluding Chapters of the Book of Isaiah and the Book of the Twelve," 1-22 (abstract)
  • Joshua W. Jipp, "Hospitable Barbarians: Luke’s Ethnic Reasoning in Acts 28:1–10," 23-45 (abstract)
  • David M. Moffitt, "Jesus’ Heavenly Sacrifice in Early Christian Reception of Hebrews: A Survey," 46-71 (abstract)
  • Joseph E. Sanzo / Lorne R. Zelyck, "The Text and Function of P. Berol. 11710 Revisited," 72-92 (abstract)
  • Matthew Kuhner, "Ignatius of Antioch’s Letter to the Ephesians 19.1 and the Hidden Mysteries: A Trajectory of Interpretation from Origen to Thomas Aquinas," 93-120 (abstract)
  • Robert Morgan, "Liberal Theological Hermeneutics," 212-229 (abstract)

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