Κυριακή 9 Απριλίου 2017

To τρέχον τεύχος του HBT / The current issue of HBT

Horizons in Biblical Theology 39:1 (2017)

  • Danny Yencich, "The Centurion, Son of God, and Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles: Contesting Narrative and Commemoration with Mark," 1-15 (abstract)
  • Ryan J. Cook, "'They were Born There': The Nations in Psalmic Rhetoric," 16-30 (abstract)
  • Matthew Michael, "The Tower of Babel and Yahweh’s Heavenly Staircase," 31-45 (abstract)
  • Nicoletta Gatti, "Toward a Dialogic Hermeneutics: Reading Gen. 4:1-16 with Akan Eyes," 46-67 (abstract)
  • Royce M. Victor, "The Politics of 'Invasion' of Greek and the 'Demise' of Hebrew of Late Antiquity," 68-81 (abstract)
  • Joshua W. Jipp, "Is the Apostle Paul the Father of Christian Anti-Judaism? Engaging John Gager’s Who Made Early Christianity?," 83-92 

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