Παρασκευή 7 Απριλίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Heythrop Journal / In the current issue of The Heythrop Journal

The Heythrop Journal 58:2 (2017)
  • Eric M. Vanden Eykel, "Beyond Historical Criticism? Avery Dulles's Model for the Theological Interpretation of Scripture, 195–206 (abstract)
  • Ray S. Yeo, "Scripture's Practical Authority and the Response of Faith from a Speech-Act Theoretic Perspective," 207–221 (abstract)
  • Nathan W. O'Halloran SJ, "Mimetic Type and Antitype: A Girardian Comparative Reading of the Women of Genesis 3:1–6, 20 and John 2:1–12," 222–238 (abstract)
  • Sunwoo Hwang, "Coexistence of Unconditionality and Conditionality of the Davidic Covenant in Chronicles, " 239–246 (abstract)
  • Christopher C. Knight, "The Synoptic Problem: Some Methodological Considerations and a New Hypothesis," 247–261 (abstract)

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