Πέμπτη 9 Μαρτίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 63:2 (2017)
  • Carl R. Holladay, "Acts as Kerygma: λαλεῖν τὸν λόγον," 153-188 (abstract)
  • Nathan C. Johnson, "Anger Issues: Mark 1.41 in Ephrem the Syrian, the Old Latin Gospels and Codex Bezae," 183-202 (abstract)
  • Urban C. von Wahlde, "Narrative Criticism of the Religious Authorities as a Group Character in the Gospel of John: Some Problems," 222-245 (abstract)
  • Courtney J. P. Friesen, "Birthing the Children of God: Echoes of Theogony in Romans 8.19–23," 246-260 (abstract)
  • Christopher J. Fresch, "Is There an Emphatic μέν? A Consideration of the Particle's Development and its Function in Koine," 261-278 (abstract)
  • Jean-Daniel Dubois, "Le docétisme des christologies gnostiques revisité," 279-304 (abstract)
  • Andrew Bernhard, "Postscript: A Final Note about the Origin of the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife," 305-317 (abstract)
Quaestiones disputatae
  • Matthias Klinghardt, "Marcion's Gospel and the New Testament: Catalyst or Consequence?," 318- (abstract)
  • Jason Beduhn, "Marcion's Gospel and the New Testament: Catalyst or Consequence?," 324-329 (abstract)
  • Judith Lieu, "Marcion's Gospel and the New Testament: Catalyst or Consequence?," 329-334 (abstract)

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