Πέμπτη 23 Μαρτίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 136:1 (2017)

  • Beverly Roberts Gaventa, "Reading Romans 13 with Simone Weil: Toward a More Generous Hermeneutic (pp. 7-22)," 7-22 (abstract)
  • Ronald A. Geobey, "Joseph the Infiltrator, Jacob the Conqueror? Reexamining the Hyksos–Hebrew Correlation," 23-37 (abstract)
  • Itamar Kislev, "Joshua (and Caleb) in the Priestly Spies Story and Joshua's Initial Appearance in the Priestly Source: A Contribution to an Assessment of the Pentateuchal Priestly Material," 39-55 (abstract)
  • Alin Suciu and Felix Albrecht, "Remarks on a Coptic Sahidic Fragment of 3 Kingdoms, Previously Described as an Apocryphon of Solomon," 57-62 (abstract)
  • Mark Whitters, "The Persianized Liturgy of Nehemiah 8:1–8,"  63-84 (abstract)
  • Nathaniel E. Greene, "Creation, Destruction, and a Psalmist's Plea: Rethinking the Poetic Structure of Psalm 74," 85-101 (abstract)
  • Arthur Keefer, "A Shift in Perspective: The Intended Audience and a Coherent Reading of Proverbs 1:1–7," 103-116 (abstract)
  • Jonathan R. Trotter, "2 Maccabees 10:1–8: Who Wrote It and Where Does It Belong?," 117-130 (abstract)
  • Wongi Park, "Her Memorial: An Alternative Reading of Matthew 26:13," 131-144 (abstract)
  • Micah D. Kiel, "The Open Horizon of Mark 13," 145-162 (abstract)
  • Shelly Matthews, "Fleshly Resurrection, Authority Claims, and the Scriptural Practices of Lukan Christianity," 163-183 (abstract)
  • Katja Kujanpää, "From Eloquence to Evading Responsibility: The Rhetorical Functions of Quotations in Paul's Argumentation," 185-202 (abstract)

JBL Forum
  • Adele Reinhartz, "The JBL Forum, an Occasional Exchange: Black Lives Matter for Critical Biblical Scholarship," 203
  • Wil Gafney, "A Reflection on the Black Lives Matter Movement and Its Impact on My Scholarship, " 204-207
  • Nyasha Junior, "The Scholarly Network," 208-212
  • Kenneth Ngwa, "At Exodus as the Door of (No) Return," 213-220
  • Richard Newton, "The African American Bible: Bound in a Christian Nation," 221-228
  • Bernadette J. Brooten, "Research on the New Testament and Early Christian Literature May Assist the Churches in Setting Ethical Priorities," 229-236
  • Tat-Siong Benny Liew, "Black Scholarship Matters," 237-244

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