Παρασκευή 24 Μαρτίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBR / The current issue of CBR

Currents in Biblical Research 15:2 (2017)

  • Andrew M. Mbuvi, "African Biblical Studies: An Introduction to an Emerging Discipline,"  149-178 (abstract)
  • Kelly J. Murphy, "Judges in Recent Research," 179-213 (abstract)
  • Nicholas G. Piotrowski, "The Concept of Exile in Late Second Temple Judaism: A Review of Recent Scholarship," 214-247 (abstract)
  • Joshua Coutts, "‘My Father’s Name’: A Survey of Research on the Use of onoma with Respect to the Father in the Fourth Gospel," 248-260 (abstract)

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