Τετάρτη 1 Μαρτίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / In the current issue of Biblica

Biblica 97:4 (2016)

  • David J. Fuller, "Towards a New Translation of דבה in Genesis 37,2," 481-491 (abstract)
  • Tyler R. Yoder, "The Silence of the (Spotted) Lambs: Ovine Otherness in the Hebrew Bible," 492 - 502 (abstract)
  • Omer Sergi, "The Omride Dynasty and the Reshaping of the Judahite Historical Memory," 503 - 526 (abstract)
  • Jamie Banister, "'I Feared' or 'I Saw' in Habakkuk 3,2?," 527 - 536 (abstract)
  • Scott J. Jones, "Psalm 1 and the Hermeneutics of Torah," 537 - 551 (abstract)
  • Bincy Mathew, "The Syntax of John 13,1 Revisited," 552 - 563 (abstract)
  • Jean-Noël Aletti, "Exegesis of the Ecclesiology of the Pauline Letters in the XXth Century: A Status Quaestionis and a Changing Paradigm," 564 - 580 (abstract)
  • Dan Batovici, "The Apostolic Fathers in Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus," 581 - 605 (abstract)

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