Δευτέρα 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JECH / In the current issue of JECH

Journal of Early Christian History 6:3 (2016)
  • Craig R. Koester, "The Number of the Beast in Revelation 13 in Light of Papyri, Graffiti, and Inscriptions," 1-21 (abstract)
  • Liana Lamprecht, "Reading Matthew 6:13a (‘Lead Us Not into Temptation’) within the Massâh-Matrix: Biblical and Historical Literary Evidence for a Further Consideration of the Sixth Petition in the Lord's Prayer," 22-42 (abstract)
  • Jeremy Punt, "Engaging Empire with the Body: Rethinking Pauline Celibacy," 43-66 (abstract)

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