Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / The current issue of RRE

Religion in the Roman Empire 2:3 (2016)

The Significance of Objects: Considerations on Agency and Context

  • Rubina Raja, Lara Weiss, "The Significance of Objects: Considerations on Agency and Context," 297-306 
  • Katharina Rieger, "Waste Matters: Life Cycle and Agency of Pottery Employed in Greco-Roman Sacred Spaces," 307-339 (abstract)
  • Rubina Raja, "In and Out of Contexts: Explaining Religious Complexity through the Banqueting Tesserae from Palmyra," 340-371 (abstract)
  • Georgia Petridou, "Speaking Louder with the Eyes: Eye-shaped Ex-Votos in Context,"  372-390 (abstract)
  • Frank Daubner, "Macedonian Small Towns and Their Use of Augustus," 391-414 (abstract)
  • Chris Mowat,  "A Study on Spontaneity: Some Notes on the Divinatory Handbook P. Ryl. 28," 415-440 (abstract)

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