Τετάρτη 4 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HeBAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 5:3 (2016)

  • Matthew Goff, " A Blessed Rage for Order: Apocalypticism, Esoteric Revelation, and the Cultural Politics of Knowledge in the Hellenistic Age," 193-211 (abstract)
  • Matthew Neujahr, "Babylonian Scribalism and the Production of Apocalypses and Related Early Jewish Texts," 212-232 (abstract)
  • Alex P. Jassen, "Scribes, Visionaries, and Prophets: On the Place of Apocalyptic in the History of Prophecy," 233-254 (abstract)
  • Jean-Sébastien Rey, " Knowledge Hidden and Revealed: Ben Sira between Wisdom and Apocalyptic Literature," 255-272 (abstract)
  • Kelley Coblentz Bautch, "Spatiality and Apocalyptic Literature," 273-288 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Ben-Dov, "Apocalyptic Temporality: The Force of the Here and Now," 289-303 (abstract)
  • Bronson Brown-deVost, "Scripta Qumranica Electronica (2016–2021)," 307-315 

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