Παρασκευή 27 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible Translator / In the current issue of the The Bible Translator

The Bible Translator 67:3 (2016)

  • Steve Berneking, "A Sociology of Translation and the Central Role of the Translator," 265-281 (abstract)
  • David J. Clark, "If You Had Been Here . . .," 282-287 (abstract)
  • Andrew R. Hay, "An Exegetical Reflection on Isaiah 1.18," 288-291 (abstract)
  • Nissim Amzallag &  Shamir Yona, "The Meaning of ʾÔpan in Proverbs 20.26," 292-302 (abstract
  • Gert M. Knepper, "Translating Festus: The Meaning of περὶ οὗ in Acts 25.18," 303-314 (abstract)
  • Norman Hugh Young, "The Use and Purpose of Three Frequent Syntactical Forms in the Fourth Gospel," 315-330 (abstract)
  • Lourens de Vries, "The Book of True Civilization: The Origins of the Bible Society Movement in the Age of Enlightenment," 331-350 (abstract)
  • Andrew S. Malone, "Acceptable Anachronism in Biblical Studies," 351-364 (abstract)
  • Carsten Ziegert, "In Pursuit of the Perfect Bible: Attitudes to Bible Translation in Hellenistic Judaism," 365-379 (abstract)

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