Δευτέρα 30 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BBR / The current issue of BBR

Bulletin of Biblical Research 26:4 (2016)

  • Aaron Chalmers, "The Influence of Cognitive Biases on Biblical Interpretation," 467-480
  • Dean R. Ulrich, "The Need for More Attention to Jubilee in Daniel 9:24–27," 481-500
  • David A. deSilva, "The Author of 4 Maccabees and Greco-Roman Paideia: Facets of the Formation of a Hellenistic Jewish Rhetor," 501-532
  • Stanley E. Porter, "'When It Was Clear That We Could Not Persuade Him, We Gave Up and Said, ‘The Lord’s Will Be Done’' (Acts 21:14): Good Reasons to Stop Making Unproven Claims for Rhetorical Criticism," 533-546
  • Jason A. Myers and Ben Witherington, "Response to Stanley Porter," 547-550
  • Stanley E. Porter, "Ben Witherington on Rhetoric One Last Time (I Hope)," 551-552

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