Δευτέρα 9 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Acta Theologica Supplement / In the current issue of Acta Theologica Supplement

Acta Theologica Supplement 24 (2016)

  • M. Masenya, "Who Calls the Shots in Naomi's Life? Reading the Naomi-Ruth Story within the African Religio-Cultural Context," 84-96 (abstract)
  • N. Mtshiselwa, "Reading Isaiah 58 in Conversation with I.J. Mosala: An African Liberationist Approach," 131-156 (abstract)
  • H. Ramantswana, "Decolonising Biblical Hermeneutics in the (South) African Context," 178-203 (abstract)
  • M. Speckman, "African Biblical Hermeneutics on the Threshold? Appraisal and Wayforward," 204-224 (abstract)
  • O. Tiroyabone, "Reading Philemon with Philemon in the Postcolony: Exploring a Postcolonial Runaway Slave Hypothesis," 225-236 (abstract)

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