Τετάρτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 63:1 (2017)

  • Peter-Ben Smit, "Negotiating a New World View in Acts 1.8? A Note on the Expression ἕως ἐσχάτου τῆς γῆς,"  1-22 (abstract)
  • Michael Winger, "Paul and ἐγώ: Some Comments on Grammar and Style," 23-37 (abstract)
  • Stephen C. Barton, "Sanctification and Oneness in 1 Corinthians with Implications for the Case of ‘Mixed Marriages’ (1 Corinthians 7.12–16)," 38-55 (abstract)
  • John Granger Cook, "Resurrection in Paganism and the Question of an Empty Tomb in 1 Corinthians 15," 56-75 (abstract)
  • Matthew C. Easter, "Faith in the God who Resurrects: The Theocentric Faith of Hebrews,"  76-91 (abstract)
  • Simon J. Joseph, "‘I Have Come to Abolish Sacrifices’ (Epiphanius, Pan. 30.16.5): Re-examining a Jewish Christian Text and Tradition," 92-110 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Cahana, "Salvific Dissolution: The Mystery of the Betrayal between the New Testament and the Gospel of Judas," 111-124 (abstract)
  • T. J. Lang, Matthew R. Crawford, "The Origins of Pauline Theology: Paratexts and Priscillian of Avila's Canons on the Letters of the Apostle Paul," 124-145 (abstract)
  • Christopher P. Jones, "The Historicity of the Neronian Persecution: A Response to Brent Shaw," 146-152 (abstract)

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