Δευτέρα 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / In the current issue of HTR

Harvard Theological Review 110:1 (2017)

  • David W. Congdon, "Demystifying the Program of Demythologizing: Rudolf Bultmann's Theological Hermeneutics," 1-23 (abstract)
  • Anthony Giambrone, "Aquila's Greek Targum: Reconsidering the Rabbinical Setting of an Ancient Translation," 24-45 (abstract)
  • Geoffrey Smith, "Anti-Origenist Redaction in the Fragments of the Gospel of Truth (NHC XII,2): Theological Controversy and the Transmission of Early Christian Literature," 46-74 (abstract)
  • Jonatan M. Benarroch, "'Son of an Israelite Woman and an Egyptian Man'—Jesus as the Blasphemer (Lev 24:10–23): An Anti-Gospel Polemic in the Zohar," 100-124 (abstract)
  • M. David Litwa, "You Are Gods: Deification in the Naassene Writer and Clement of Alexandria," 125-148 (abstract)

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