Τετάρτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2016

To τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / The current issue of JTI

Journal of Theological Interpretation 10:2 (2016)

  • Michael G. Azar, "Origen, Scripture, and the Imprecision of 'Supersessionism'," 157-172
  • Gratian Vandici, "Reading the Rules of Knowledge in the Story of the Fall: Calvin and Reformed Epistemology on the Noetic Effects of Original Sin," 173-192
  • David Ney, "Allegory and Empiricism: Interpreting God’s Two Books in Newtonian England," 193-208
  • Gerald P. Boersma, "Augustine’s Deer Visits the Ophthalmologist: Exercising the Eyes of Faith in Enarrationes in Psalmos 41," 209-226
  • Bogdan G. Bucur, "Christophanic Exegesis and the Problem of Symbolization: Daniel 3 (the Fiery Furnace) as a Test Case," 227-244
  • Tim Meadowcroft, "'One Like a Son of Man' in the Court of the Foreign King: Daniel 7 as Pointer to Wise Participation in the Divine Life," 245-264
  • Philip Whitehead, "Habakkuk and the Problem of Suffering: Theodicy Deferred," 265-282
  • K. R. Harriman, "The King Arrives, but for What Purpose? The Christological Use of Zechariah 13–14 in Mark 13," 283-298
  • Thomas More Garrett, OP, "The Message to the Merchants in James 4:13–17 and Its Relevance for Today," 299-

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