Τρίτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JRA / In the current issue of JRA

Journal of Roman Archaeology 29 (2016)

  • Joanne Berry, "Boundaries and control in the Roman house," 125-141 (abstract)
  • Roi Porat, Yakov Kalman, Rachel Chachy, "Excavation of the approach to the mountain palace-fortress at Herodium," 142-164 (abstract)
  • Candace Rice, "Shipwreck cargoes in the western Mediterranean and the organization of Roman maritime trade," 165-192 (abstract)
  • Andreas J. M. Kropp, "The Aphrodite of Emesa: miniature marble sculpture and religious life in Roman Syria," 193-222 (abstract)

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