Σάββατο 22 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Στα δύο τελευταία τεύχη του JFSR / In the two recent issues of JHSR

Journal of Feminist Studies In Religion 32:1 (2016)

  • L. Juliana Claassens, "The Woman of Substance and Human Flourishing: Proverbs 31:10-31 and Martha Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach," 5-19 (abstract)
  • M. I. Rey, "Reexamination of the Foreign Female Captive: Deuteronomy 21:10-14 as a Case of Genocidal Rape," 37-53 (abstract)

Journal of Feminist Studies In Religion 32:2 (2016)

  • Brooke Nelson, "A Mother’s Martyrdom: Elite Christian Motherhood and the Martyrdom of Domnina," 11-26 (abstract)

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