Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JETS / In the current issue of JETS

Journal of Evangelical Theological Society 59:3 (2016)

  • Terrance R. Wardlaw, " The Significance of  Creation in the Book of  Isaiah," 449-472
  • Michael J. G. Gray-Fow, " Why Festus, Not  Felix? Paul's Caesarem Apello," 473-486
  • Ched Spellman, " The  Drama  of  Discipline: Toward an intertextual Profile of  Paideia in 
  • Hebrews 12," 487-506
  • Nathan  Wheeler, ""For  a Holy Priesthood": Perrine Model for Evangelical Cultural Engagement," 523-550

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