Πέμπτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ΚΕRΝΟS / Τhe current issue of ΚΕRNOS

Kernos 28 (2015)
  • Edward M. Harris, "Toward a Typology of Greek Regulations about Religious Matters: A Legal Approach," 53-83 (abstract)
  • Edward M. Harris, "The Documents in Sokolowski’s Lois sacrées des cités grecques (LSCG)"
  • Sylvain Lebreton, "Zeus Polieus à Athènes: Les Bouphonies et au-delà," 85-110 (abstract)
  • Nicola Serafini, "La dea Ecate e i luoghi di passaggio: Una protettrice dalla quale proteggersi," 111-131 (abstract)
  • Eleni Fassa, "Sarapis, Isis, and the Ptolemies in Private Dedications: The Hyper-style and the Double Dedications," 133-153 (abstract)
  • Jean Vanden Broeck-Parant, "Topographie sacrée et structure narrative chez Pausanias: Du Dipylon à l’Académie," 155-173 (abstract)

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