Πέμπτη 4 Αυγούστου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / In the current issue of RRE

Religion of Roman Empire 2:2 (2016)

  • Jörg Rüpke, "Discourses and Narratives, Experiences and Identities," 149-151
  • Eve-Marie Becker, "Shaping Identity by Writing History: Earliest Christianity in its Making," 152-169 (abstract)
  • Jörg Rüpke, "The Role of Texts in Processes of Religious Grouping during the Principate," 170-195 (abstract)
  • Luise Marion Frenkel, "Individual Christian Voices in the Narratives of Late Antique Acclamations," 196-226 (abstract)
  • Richard L. Gordon, "Negotiating the Temple-Script Women's Narratives among the 'Confession-Texts' of Western Asia Minor," 227-255 (abstract)
  • Jonas Grethlein, "Lucian's Response to Augustine Conversion and Narrative in Confessions and Nigrinus," 256-278 (abstract)
  • M. David Litwa, "Phikola, a Mysterious Goddess at Phlya," 279-293 (abstract)

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