Δευτέρα 1 Αυγούστου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / In the current issue of ETL

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 92:2 (2016)
  • Thomas Witulski, "Iustinus und die Johannesoffenbarung: De Rezeption der Apokalypse durch den Apologeten in ihrer Relevanz für deren Datierung," 179-202 (abstract)
  • Samuel Pomeroy, "Numbering the Heaven(s):  John Chrysostom's Use of Greek Exegetical Traditions for Interpreting Gen 1,6-8 (Hom. Gen. IV)," 203-228  (abstract)
  • Willem A.M. Beuken, "Questioning a Warrior: Otherness as Literary Strategy in Isaiah 63,1-6," 285-300 (abstract)
  • Daniel A. Smith, "The Disappearance of Jesus in Q: A Response to Harry T. Fleddermann," 301-322 (abstract)
  • Tobias Nicklas and Janet E. Spittler, "Christ and the Pelican: Function, Background and Impact of an Image," 323-337 (abstract)

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