Σάββατο 9 Ιουλίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 128:2 (2016)

  • Itamar Kislev, "The Numbers of Numbers: The Census Accounts in the Book of Numbers," 189-204 (abstract)
  • Melissa Ramos, "A Northwest Semitic Curse Formula: The Sefire Treaty and Deuteronomy 28," 205-220 (abstract)
  • Bernard Gosse, "Le texte de I Chr 16 comme réinterprétation davidique de Ps 105,1–15, la réponse des serviteurs et élus de Ps 105,16–46 et la continuité du livre d’Isaïe," 221-232 (abstract)
  • Arie Versluis, "Devotion and/or Destruction? The Meaning and Function of חרם in the Old Testament," 233-246 (abstract)
  • Erasmus Gaß, "Nebukadnezzar ante portas – Zu den babylonischen Interessen in der südlichen Levante," 247-266 (abstract)
  • David Rothstein, "Hezekiah’s Prayer and Childlessness: Variant Forms of a Tradition, as Reflected in LXX, Josephus, and Rabbinic Sources," 267-283 (abstract)
  • Collin Cornell, "What happened to Kemosh?," 284-299 (abstract)

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