Σάββατο 2 Ιουλίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του AnSt / In the current issue of AnSt

Anatolian Studies 66 (2016)

  • Michael J. Taylor, "The Attalid victory at Magnesia on a lost plaque from Pergamon," 81-90 (abstract)
  • N.P. Milner, "Building Roman Lycia: new inscriptions and monuments from the baths and peristyle buildings Ml 1 and Ml 2 at Oinoanda," 91-124 (abstract)
  • Hale Güney, "New inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman necropolis," 125-139 (abstract)
  • G.H.R. Horsley and Jean M. Luxford, "Pagan angels in Roman Asia Minor: revisiting the epigraphic evidence," 141-183 (abstract)

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