Πέμπτη 30 Ιουνίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ThQ / In the current issue of ThQ

Theologische Quartalschrift 196:2 (2016)

Michael Theobald, "Weder Magd noch Hofnarr. Vom unverzichtbaren Dienst katholischer Exegese des Neuen Testaments," 107-126
What relevance do New Testament Studies have for the Catholic Church today? – This question is raised by anyone who studies the New Testament in a professional, academic way and who remembers the depressing biographies of exegetes in pre-Vatican II times. Church authorities used to try to downgrade exegesis to the level of a handmaid who had to provide the philological knowledge for a theological interpretation of the texts for which it was no longer responsible. Today many exegetes find themselves in the position of court jesters who enjoy their freedom of speech, but who have to fall silent as soon as the situation becomes tense or decisive. The lecture probes the indispensable service ecumenically inspired exegesis of the New Testament renders to the Church. With reference to the most important subject of exegesis, the Jesus research, it shows how the historical-critical analysis of the texts, in particular, has theological relevance.

Eckart David Schmidt, "„Lazarus, oder die Feyer der Auferstehung“ · Die Erzählung von der Auferstehung des Lazarus im Johannesevangelium und ihre Interpretationen durch den Dramatiker August Hermann Niemeyer und den Komponisten Franz Schubert," 

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