Τρίτη 14 Ιουνίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 47:2 (2016)

  • Ishay Rosen-Zvi, "What if We Got Rid of the Goy? Rereading Ancient Jewish Distinctions," 149-182 (abstract)
  • Matan Orian, "Josephus’s Seven Purities and the Mishnah’s Ten Holinesses," 182-211 (abstract)
  • Lydia Gore-Jones, "The Unity and Coherence of 4 Ezra: Crisis, Response, and Authorial Intention," 212-252 (abstract)
  • Michael Sommer, "Ein Text aus Palästina? Gedanken zur einleitungswissenschaftlichen Verortung der Apokalypse des Abraham,"  236-256 (abstract)
  • Joshua Levinson, "The Language of Stones: Roman Milestones on Rabbinic Roads," 257-276 (abstract)

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