Σάββατο 25 Ιουνίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JETS / In the current issue of JETS

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 59:2 (2016)

  • Gary Yates, "The 'Weeping Prophet' and 'Pouting Prophet' in Dialogue: Intertextual Connections Between Jeremiah and Jonah," 223-240
  • Mark A. Hassler, "The Setting of Obadiah: When Does the Oracle Concerning Edom Transpire?," 241-224
  • Alexander E. Stewart, "The Temporary Messianic Kingdom in Second Temple Judaism and the Delay of the Parousia: Psalm 110:1 and the Development of Early Christian Inaugurated Eschatology," 225-270
  • Charles L. Quarles, "Matthew 27:51-53: Meaning, Genre, Intertextuality, Theology, and Reception History," 271-286
  • Timothy N. Mitchell, "What are the NT Autographs? An Examination of the Doctrine of Inspiration and Inerrancy in Light of Greco-Roman Publication," 287-308

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