Πέμπτη 9 Ιουνίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBR / The current issue of JBR

Journal of the Bible and its Reception 3:1 (2016)

  • Tarmo Toom, "Hilary of Poitiers’ 'Ruled' Exegesis in His De Trinitate: A Case-Study of John 1:1–2," 1-26 (abstract)
  • Anthony C. Swindell, "Gog and Magog in Literary Reception History: The Persistence of the Fantastic," 27-54 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Downing, "Southcottians and Shiloh: Genesis 49:10 and the Morphology of a Messianic Hope," 55-82 (abstract)
  • Pedro Lima Vasconcellos,  / Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira, "Between Exodus and the Final Judgment: “Sertaneja” Worldview and the Trajectory of Antonio Conselheiro’s Belo Monte (Brazil, 1893–1897)," 83-108 (abstract)
  • Brooke Sherrard, "Mystical Unification or Ethnic Domination? American Biblical Archeologists’ Responses to the Six-Day War," 109-134 (abstract)
  • Robert J. Myles, "Winston Peters “Puts His Hand to the Plow”: The Bible in New Zealand Political Discourse," 135-154 (abstract)

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