Παρασκευή 6 Μαΐου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SJOT / The current issue of SJOT

Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 30:1 (2016)

  • Sigrid Eder, "'Broken Hearted' and 'Crushed in Spirit': Metaphors and Emotions in Psalm 34,19," 1-15 
  • Benjamin D. Giffone, "'Special Forces': A Stereotype of Benjaminite Soldiers in the Deuteronomistic History and Chronicles," 16-29 (abstract)
  • Mark Verman, "Royalty, Robes and the Art of Biblical Narrative," 30-43 (abstract)
  • Nissim Amzallag & Mikhal Avriel, "Psalm 122 as the Song Performed at the Ceremony of Dedication of the City Wall of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 12, 27-43)," 44-64 (abstract)
  • Christophe Lemardelé, "Note Concerning the Problem of Samson the Nazirite in the Biblical Studies," 65-68 (abstract)
  • Yisca Zimran, "Isaiah b. Amoz’s Attitude towards the Faith of the Gentile Nations," 69-90 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Victor Waters, "The Two Eschatological Perspectives of the Book of Daniel," 91-111 
  • George G. Nicol, "When Abram Went to Egypt, did Lot Go with Him?: Some Observations on the Presence and Absence of Characters in Biblical Hebrew Narrative," 112-128 (first page)
  • W. Creighton Marlowe, "Genesis 6,1-4 as a Chiasm," 129-144 (abstract)

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