Δευτέρα 30 Μαΐου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 62:3 (2016)

  • Steve Reece, "‘Aesop’, ‘Q’ and ‘Luke’," 357-377 (abstract)
  • Seon Yong Kim, "Ancient Binding Spells, Amulets and Matt 16.18–19: Revisiting August Dell's Proposal a Century Later," 378-397 (abstract)
  • Alan Garrow, "An Extant Instance of ‘Q’," 398-417 (abstract)
  • Maria B. Lang, "Protagonisten? Die Rolle der Zeugen Jesu in der Apostelgeschichte,"  418-438 (abstract)
  • David G. Horrell, "Ethnicisation, Marriage and Early Christian Identity: Critical Reflections on 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Peter 3 and Modern New Testament Scholarship," 439-460 (abstract)
  • Edmon L. Gallagher, "Origen via Rufinus on the New Testament Canon," 461-476 (abstract)
  • Debbie Hunn, "Πίστις in Galatians 5.5–6: Neglected Evidence for ‘Faith in Christ’,"  477-483 (abstract)
  • H. Attridge, "Are John's Ethics Apolitical?," 484-497 (abstract)

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