Πέμπτη 5 Μαΐου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / The current issue of JTI

Journal of Theological Interpretation 10:1 (2016)

  • Hans Boersma, "The Sacramental Reading of Nicene Theology: Athanasius and Gregory of Nyssa on Proverbs 8," 1-30
  • Zoltán Schwáb, "I, the Fool: A “Canonical” Reading of Proverbs 26:4–5," 31-50
  • Robert G. T. Edwards, "The Disunity and Unity of the Psalter in the Fathers," 51-70
  • Joshua Marshall Strahan, "Jesus Teaches Theological Interpretation of the Law: Reading the Good Samaritan in Its Literary Context," 71-86
  • Paul C. Boles, "Allegory as Embodiment: The Function of History in Origen’s Genesis Homily," 87-102
  • R. W. L. Moberly, "Theological Thinking and the Reading of Scripture: An Auseinandersetzung with Susannah Ticciati," 103-116
  • Susannah Ticciati, "Response to Walter Moberly’s 'Theological Thinking and the Reading of Scripture'," 117-124
  • Hans Moscicke, "The Theological Presuppositions of Ancient Christian Exegesis: G. K. Beale and Henri de Lubac in Conversation," 125-144
  • Ron Haydon, "A Survey and Analysis of Recent 'Canonical' Methods (2000–2015)," 145-

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