Τρίτη 5 Απριλίου 2016

To τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 23:1 (2016)

  • Bernard M. Levinson, "Refining the Reconstruction of Col. 2 of the Temple Scroll (11QTa): The Turn to Digital Mapping and Historical Syntax," 1-26 (abstract)
  • Lindsey A. Askin, "The Qumran Psalms Scroll Debate and Ben Sira: Considering the Evidence of Textual Reuse in Sir 43:11–19," 27-50 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Klawans, "The Essene Hypothesis: Insights from Religion 101," 51-78 (abstract)
  •  Dennis Duke & Matthew Goff, "A Response to Eshbal Ratzon, “Methodological Issues concerning the Astronomy of Qumran'," 79-87 (abstract)
  • Eshbal Ratzon, "Astronomy of Qumran: Further Considerations," 88-95 (abstract)
  • Alexander Rofé, " Digesting DJD 12: Its Contribution to the Textual Criticism of the Pentateuch," 97-104 (abstract)

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