Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2016

The Traianos Gagos Fund

The Traianos Gagos Fund was established in 2010 by friends and colleagues to honor the late Traianos Gagos, Professor of Papyrology and Greek and Archivist of the Papyrus Collection at the University of Michigan. 

The Fund can be used to help students (graduate and undergraduate) as well as recent recipients of the PhD (within three years of the degree) to use the resources of the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection. Funds may be used to visit Michigan and work with the collection; travel to conferences to present work based on the collection; or travel to other collections relevant to Michigan papyri.

The Department of Classical Studies is inviting applications for use of this fund for 2016. Awards from this Fund will be no more than $2,000 total. The application should consist of:

1) A narrative description of the intended use of the grant

2) A detailed budget

3) Current curriculum vitae

4) One letter of recommendation

 Applications must be submitted as email attachments to classics@umich.edu. The subject line of the email should read as follows: “Application for 2016 Traianos Gagos Fund.” Applications are due at 5:00 pm Eastern Time on May 20, 2016.

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