Τετάρτη 27 Απριλίου 2016

Tο τρέχον τεύχος του JSPL / The current issue of JSPL

Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 5:2 (2015)

  • Ben C. Blackwell, "Paul and Judaism," 157-168
  • Nathan Eubank, "Justice Endures Forever: Paul's Grammar of Generosity,"  169-188
  • Daniel R. Streett, "Cursed by God? Galatians 3:13, Social Status, and Atonement Theory in the Context of Early Jewish Readings of Deuteronomy 21:23," 189-210
  • David A. Burnett, "'So Shall Your Seed Be': Paul's Use of Genesis 15:5 in Romans 4:18 in Light of Early Jewish Deification Traditions,"  211-236
  • Michael P. Barber & John A. Kincaid, "Cultic Theosis in Paul and Second Temple Judaism," 237-256
  • Chad Chambers, "'Before I Was Born': Time in Paul's Autobiographical Reflection in Galatians 1 and 2,"  237-

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