Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblische Notizen / The current issue of Biblische Notizen

Biblische Notizen 168 (2016)

  • Risimati Hobyane, "Body and Space in Judith: A Greimassian Perspective,"  3-15
  • Nicholas Peter Legh Allen, "Judith: Embodying Holiness in a G-dless Space," 17-44
  • Sunday Paul C. Onwuegbuchulam / Nneka Okafor, "A Theoretical Investigation into the Politics of Female Body and Beauty in the Book of Judith with Special Reference to Ahebi of Igboland," 45-63
  • Jan Willem van Henten, "Space, Body and Meaning in 2 Maccabees,"  65-88
  • Pierre J. Jordaan, "Body, Space and Narrative in 2Macc 1:1-10a,"  89-193
  • Eugene Coetzer, "A Spatial Analysis of the References to Heaven in 2 Maccabees,"  105-115
  • George W.E. Nickelsburg, "Space and Time, Body and Psychē in 1 Enoch and 2 Maccabees," 117-127
  • Chris L. de Wet, "Susanna’s Body," 129-145
  • S. Philip Nolte, "A Politics of the Female Body. Reading Susanna (LXX Additions to Daniel) in a Brutalized South African Society," 147-161
  • Joseph Jacobus de Bruyn, "In Rememberance of God’s Messiancic Vessel – ‘Body’ and ‘Space’ in Psalm 151," 163-183

Περιλήψεις / Abstracts

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