Τρίτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του VT / The current issue of VT

Vetus Testamentum 66:1 (2016)

  • Joseph Blenkinsopp, "The Sacrificial Life and Death of the Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)," 1-14 (abstract)
  • Serge Frolov, "The Rings of the Lord: Assessing Symmetric Structuring in Numbers and Judges," 15-44 (abstract)
  • Israel Knohl, "The Original Version of Deborah’s Song, and its Numerical Structure," 45-65 (abstract)
  • Yael Landman, "On Lips and Tongues in Ancient Hebrew," 66-77 (abstract)
  • John Makujina, "Male Obstetric Competence in Ancient Israel: A Response to Two Recent Proposals," 78-94 (abstract)
  • Sara J. Milstein, "Saul the Levite and His Concubine: The “Allusive” Quality of Judges 19," 95-116 (abstract)
  • Andrew B. Perrin, "From lingua franca to lingua sacra: The Scripturalization of Tobit in 4QTobe," 117-132 (abstract)
  • Nili Samet, "Religious Redaction in Qohelet in Light of Mesopotamian Vanity Literature," 133-148 (abstract)
  • Michael Carasik, "Janus Parallelism in Job 1:20," 149-154 (abstract)

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