Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HeΒAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 4:2 (2015)
  • Cynthia Edenburg / Reinhard Müller, "A Northern Provenance for Deuteronomy? A Critical Review," 148-161 (abstract)
  • Gary N. Knoppers, "The Northern Context of the Law-Code in Deuteronomy," 162-183 (abstract)
  • Ingrid Hjelm, "Northern Perspectives in Deuteronomy and its Relation to the Samaritan Pentateuch," 184-204 (abstract)
  • Magnar Kartveit, "The Place That the Lord Your God Will Choose," 205-218 (abstract)
  • Adrian Schenker, "Der Ort, an dem Jhwhs Name wohnt. Eine oder mehrere Stätten?," 219-229 (abstract)

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