Σάββατο 28 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSPs / The current issue of JSPs

Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha 25:2 (2015)

  • Benjamin J. Lappenga, "‘Speak, Hannah, and Do Not be Silent’: Pseudo-Philo's Deconstruction of Violence in Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum 50–51," 91-110 (abstract)
  • Christopher B. Zeichmann, "Martial and the fiscus Iudaicus Once More," 111-117 (abstract)
  • Robert E. Moses, "Tangible Prayer in Early Judaism and Early Christianity," 118-14 (abstract)
  • Liv Ingeborg Lied, "Text–Work–Manuscript: What Is an ‘Old Testament Pseudepigraphon’?," 150-165 (abstract)

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