Πέμπτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblical Interpretation / The current issue of Biblical Interpretation

Biblical Interpretation 23:4/5 (2015)

  • Jorunn Økland, "Requiring an Explanation
: Hegemonic Masculinities in the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Traditions," 479-488
  • Sara M. Koenig, "Make War Not Love
: The Limits of David’s Hegemonic Masculinity in 2 Samuel 10–12," 489-517 (abstract)
  • Rhiannon Graybill, "Masculinity, Materiality, and the Body of Moses
," 518-540 (abstract)
  • Brett Krutzsch, "Un-Straightening Boaz in Ruth Scholarship
," 541-552 (abstract)
  • Marco Derks, "'If I Be Shaven, Then My Strength Will Go from Me': A Queer Reading of the Samson Narrative," 553-573 (abstract)
  • Gil Rosenberg, "New Authorities, New Readings
: Queering Hebrew Bible Text Criticism
," 574-600 (abstract)
  • Thomas Cason, "Textual Cialis
: Four Narratival Strategies for Repairing Disabled Masculinity in the Second Temple Tradition
," 601-622 (abstract)

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