Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SJOT / The current issue of SJOT

Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 29:2 (2015)

  • Na’aman, "The Pre-Priestly Abraham Story as a Unified Exilic Work," 157-181 (abstract)
  • Borchardt, "Influence and Power: The Types of Authority in the Process of Scripturalization," 182-196 (abstract)
  • Ganzel, "A Note on the Meaning of amas in Ezekiel," 197-203 (abstract)
  • Pinker, "The Epilogue in the Book of Qohelet," 204-232 (abstract)
  • Zucker, "Choosing Jacob: The Coded Language of Genesis 27," 233-240 (abstract)
  • Avioz, "Why Did Joseph Kiss His Father (Genesis 50,1)? A New Proposal," 241-246 (abstract)
  • Kurtz, "Axes of Inquiry: The Problem of Form and Time in Wellhausen and Gunkel," 247-295 (abstract)
  • Quine, "Deutero-Isaiah, J and P: Who is in the Image and Likeness of God? Implications for and Theologies of Creation," 296-306 (abstract)

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