Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 134:3 (2015)

  • Nicole J. Ruane, "Pigs, Purity, and Patrilineality: The Multiparity of Swine and Its Problems for Biblical Ritual and Gender Construction," 489-504 (abstract)
  • Gregory R. Lanier, "The Curious Case of צמח and ἀνατολή: An Inquiry into Septuagint Translation Patterns," 505-527 (abstract)
  • Anne Marie Kitz, "Naboth's Vineyard after Mari and Amarna," 529-545 (abstract)
  • David Toshio Tsumura, "The Creation Motif in Psalm 74:12–14? A Reappraisal of the Theory of the Dragon Myth," 547-555 (abstract)
  • David A. Lambert, "The Book of Job in Ritual Perspective," 557-575 (abstract)
  • Moon Kwon Chae, "Redactional Intentions of MT Jeremiah concerning the Oracles against the Nations," 577-593 (abstract)
  • Michael Peppard, "Torah for the Man Who Has Everything: “Do Not Defraud” in Mark 10:19," 595-604 (abstract)
  • Jason J. Ripley, "Killing as Piety? Exploring Ideological Contexts Shaping the Gospel of John," 605-635 (abstract)
  • Paula Fredriksen, "Why Should a 'Law-Free' Mission Mean a 'Law-Free' Apostle?," 637-650 (abstract)
  • Philip L. Tite, "Social and Ethical Concern in the Interpretation of Knowledge (NHC XI 1): A Rhetorical Analysis of Interp. Know. 20.36–38," 651-673 (abstract)

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