Πέμπτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / In the current issue of HTR

Harvard Theological Review 108:4 (2015)

  • Naftali S. Cohn, "Heresiology in the Third-Century Mishnah: Arguments for Rabbinic Legal Authority and the Complications of a Simple Concept," 508-529 (abstract)
  • Jason Sion Mokhtarian, "Excommunication in Jewish Babylonia: Comparing Bavli Mo‘ed Qaṭan 14b–17b and the Aramaic Bowl Spells in a Sasanian Context," 552-578 (abstract)
  • Stephen J. Davis, "From Women's Piety to Male Devotion: Gender Studies, the Acts of Paul and Thecla, and the Evidence of an Arabic Manuscript," 579-593 (abstract)
  • Peter W. Martens, "Embodiment, Heresy, and the Hellenization of Christianity: The Descent of the Soul in Plato and Origen," 594-620 (abstract)

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