Πέμπτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 96:2 (2015)

  • Azuelos Yaacov - Voltaggio Francesco Giosuè, "The 'angel sent from before the Lord' in Targum Joshua 5,14," 161-178 (abstract)
  • Walton Jonathan H., "A King Like The Nations: 1 Samuel 8 in Its Cultural Context," 179-200 (abstract)
  • Wilson Walter T., "Matthew, Philo, and Mercy for Animals (Matt 12,9-14)," 201-221 (abstract)
  • Parker Floyd O., "Is the Subject of 'tetelestai' in John 19,30 'It' or 'All Things' ?,"  222-244 (abstract)
  • Witetschek Stephan, "Sankt Paul in Ketten. Zur Paulus-Ikonographie in der Apostelgeschichte und im Corpus Paulinum," 245-272 (abstract)
  • Whitekettle Richard, "How the Sheep of Judah Became Fish: Habakkuk 1,14 and the Davidic Monarchy,"  273-281 (abstract)
  • Kibbe Michael, "Requesting and Rejecting: 'Paraiteomai' in Heb 12,18-29," 282-286 (abstract)

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