Κυριακή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον Science et esprit / Articles of biblical interest in the current issue of Science et Esprit

Science et Esprit 67:1 (2015)

Hervé Tremblay, "Comment comprendre les oracles contre les nations chez les prophètes?"
The prophetical books of the Old Testament have usually been edited in three parts : 1) oracles against Israel / Judah; 2) oracles about / against nations; 3) oracles of hope. This article presents the oracles about / against nations, which are often not well known. It shows where such oracles are in the books and which nations are addressed. The consistency of each prophet is also shown, meaning that their main themes are present also in the oracles about / against nations. In the end, the postexilic relectures are briefly studied and a Sitz im Leben for the oracles is suggested. 

James R. Pambrun, "Paul’s Apocalyptic Way of Thinking and Aesthetic Experience – Part Two"
The aim of this article is to explore, in a hermeneutical mode, the significance Leander Keck and J. Christiaan Beker attribute to Paul’s use of apocalyptic discourse for expressing the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection as an event singular in kind. In alluding to the significance of Paul’s mode of apocalyptic thought, these biblical scholars have also pointed out the difficulties associated with communicating such a form of thinking. By drawing on the similarities between apocalyptic discourse as a strategy of meaning and features of aesthetic experience as elaborated in the work of Mikel Dufrenne (The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience), this article shows how a basic communicability can exist between Paul’s mode of thinking and our own appropriation of aesthetic experience.

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