Σάββατο 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του PEQ / The current issue of PEQ

Palestine Exploration Quarterly 147:2 (2015)

  • David M. Jacobson, "Editorial: The Gezer boundary inscriptions," 83-85
  • Shay Bar, "The settlement patterns in the Northern Samaria highlands during the Late Chalcolithic period," 87-103
  • Melissa A. Kennedy, "EB IV stone-built cist-graves from Sir Flinders Petrie's excavations at Tell el-'Ajjul," 104-129
  • Douglas Petrovich, "The Ophel Pithos inscription: Its dating, language, translation, and script," 130-145
  • Raz Kletter, "In search of the 'Israeli method of excavation'," 146-159
  • Micaela Sinibaldi, "The Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), Season 2014," 160-164
  • Kevin Shillington, "Towards a biography of 'Jerusalem Warren'," 164-167

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