Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NovT / The current issue of NovT

Novum Testamentum 57:4 (2015)

  • Andrew R. Krause, "In Association with the Ancestral Customs: Pharisaic Ancestral Traditions as a Semi-Private Association Code in Matthew 15 and Antiquitates judaicae 13," 343-359 (abstract)
  • Ronald H. van der Bergh, "'Old Testament Awareness' and the Textual Tradition of the Explicit Quotations of Isaiah in Codex Bezae’s Acts," 360 - 378 (abstract)
  • James R. Unwin, "'Thrown down but not Destroyed," 379 - 412 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Sargent, "The Exegetical Middah דבר הלמד מענינו and the New Testament," 413 - 417 (abstract)
  • Laurent Pinchard, "Des traces vétérotestamentaires dans quelques variantes du Codex de Bèze traditionnellement jugées harmonisantes," 418 - 430 (abstract)

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