Τρίτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Neot / The current issue of Neot

Neotestamentica 49:1 (2015)

  • Lilly Nortje-Meyer, "Feminist New Testament Scholarship in South Africa," 1-19 (abstract)
  • Philip la Grange Du Toit, "Paul's reference to the 'keeping of the Commandments of God' in 1 Corinthians 7:19," 21-45 (abstract)
  • Andrey Romanov, "εἷς κύριος and ἡμεῖς in 1 Corinthians 8:6 : an investigation of the first person plural in light of the Lordship of Jesus Christ," 47-74 (abstract)
  • Joel E. Lisboa / Thomas R. Shepherd, "Comparative narrative analysis as a tool in determining the lectio difficilior in Mark 1:40-45 - a narrative analysis of Codices Bezae, Vaticanus, and Washingtonianus," 75-89 (abstract)
  • Stephen B. Hatton, "Comic ambiguity in the Markan healing intercalation (Mark 5:21-43)," 91-123 (abstract)
  • Joshua Joel Spoelstra, "The BəTÛLÂ loophole : Mary's journey in light of Deuteronomy 22*," 125-144 (abstract)
  • N. Clayton Croy, "Translating for Jesus : Philip and Andrew in John 12:20-22," 145-174 (abstract)
  • Alistair C. Stewart, "The fragment on the mountain : a note on Didache 9.4a," 175-188 (abstract)

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