Κυριακή 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JECS / In the current issue of JECS

Journal of Early Christian Studies 23:3 (2015)

  • Azzan Yadin-Israel, "'For Mark was Peter’s Tannaʾ': Tradition and Transmission in Papias and the Early Rabbis," 337-362 (abstract)
  • Phillip Fackler, "Adversus Adversus Iudaeos?: Countering Christian Anti-Jewish Polemics in the Gospel of Nicodemus," 413-444 (abstract)
  • Todd S. Berzon, "The Double Bind of Christianity’s Judaism: Language, Law, and the Incoherence of Late Antique Discourse," 445-480 (abstract)

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